Students, faculty, and entrepreneurs can work together at the 5G Innovation Hub to test and create equitable educational experiences.

Arizona State launches 5G Innovation Hub

Students, faculty, and entrepreneurs can work together at the 5G Innovation Hub to test and create equitable educational experiences

Verizon and Arizona State University are exploring how 5G can enable immersive educational experiences and transform the future of learning. To do this, Verizon has launched a 5G Innovation Hub at the University’s Learning Futures Collaboratory, Studios and Emporium.

Students, faculty, entrepreneurs, and corporate partners can now work together at the Hub to test and create 5G-powered educational experiences that are more inclusive, equitable and accessible.

Digital equity is on the national agenda as leaders aim to address the digital divide, deepened during the pandemic. And in Arizona where as many as one million residents, including more than 200,000 students, do not have regular access to the internet, ASU has been instrumental in leading a series of initiatives aimed at surfacing solutions to help further close the digital divide.

The first program to launch out of the 5G Innovation Hub at ASU is the “The Digital Equity Jam” sponsored by Verizon, AWS, and Inseego. This program kicked off in early February 2022. Competing teams developed use cases showcasing how Verizon 5G Ultra Wideband and mobile edge compute can be used to help bridge the digital divide.

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Laura Ascione

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